Free Delivery Over $100 Ontario & Quebec

12 Pink Roses Bouquet


Rose bouquet gift delivery Toronto GTA only. (Toronto GTA includes King City, Bolton, Mississauga, Stouffville, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Oshawa, Milton, Markham, Newmarket, Pickering, Whitby, Aurora, Burlington, Ajax)

12 pink roses bouquet makes this a thoughtful arrangement of flowers, perfect for any occasion. This arrangement of flowers is perfect to send on their own or to add onto any our of luxury baby gift baskets. The best roses for her or him start with these beautiful fuchsia roses from Ecuador.

Your recipient will fall in love with their gorgeous shade and with their lovely aroma. These hand-tied roses are arranged in a professional manner to create this amazing bouquet of a dozen roses. 

For orders placed before 11 AM and over $100, we offer Free Same Day Delivery to Toronto GTA. No matter how planned in advanced or last-minute your gift may be, we are here to help with all flower deliveries to Toronto. 

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